Oplev Sky og Yousee når Adobe og eCapacity holder Experience Breakfast den 28. august 2018 fra 8-12 i Mogens Dahls koncertsal på Islands Brygge i København.


Optimering af den samlede kundeoplevelse på tværs af kanaler og samarbejde omkring kundedata er øverst på prioriteringslisten hos de fleste CMO’er og CDO’er, men det er stadig kun et fåtal af virksomheder, som har praktisk erfaring med end-to-end eksekvering. Derfor har vi inviteret to af eCapacity og Adobes fælles kunder, SKY UK og YouSee, til at dele deres erfaringer. Fokus er særligt på spørgsmålet om, hvordan DMP, AI og data science har medvirket til at optimere deres forretning og skabe sammenhængende kundeoplevelser.

Det bliver en dag med netværk, erfaringsudveksling og stærke faglige indlæg fra erfarne digitale professionals.


08.00                  Ankomst, morgenmad og registrering

09.00                  Velkommen v/Adobe

09.05                  Datadreven beslutningstagen og menneskeskabte forretningsregler – Rob McLaughlin, SKY

09.35                  Sky’s innovative brug af data og teknologi til audience targetting – Sandy Ghuman, SKY

10.05                  Kaffe pause

10.30                  Agil Analytics: På vej mod en data dreven organisationskultur – Robert Johnson, YouSee

11.00                  Panel debat om data-dreven customer experience med – Rob McLaughlin, Sandy Ghuman og Robert Johnson og Per Rasmussen, eCapacity.

12.00                  Let frokost og networking


Rob McLaughlin

Rob McLaughlin is an experienced digital marketing professional and a proven leader in the field of data & analytics with a track record of bringing customer data into the complex marketing and technology landscape. Most recently pioneering the application of artificial intelligence & machine learning to drive business results. A combination of visionary and pragmatist, Rob creates solutions which blend established business processes with bleeding edge techniques. Having worked both as a consultant and in-house he has in depth knowledge of how businesses from multiple verticals can leverage data to power efficiency and growth


Sandy Ghuman

Sandy Ghuman has over 20 years of experience in direct and digital marketing having worked at companies including Yell, Experian and most recently Sky. At Sky Sandy drives digital and social targeting capabilities including ownership of and audience management within Sky’s Data Management Platform (DMP). Sitting within Digital Decisioning, Sandy’s team leverages Sky’s rich consumer data set as well as 2nd and 3rd party data for optimal audience targeting across multiple platforms. Sandy has also driven the integration and product roadmap of various adtech & martech solutions at Sky


Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson is a passionate leader within digital analytics and marketing communication where he has gained experience for more than 25 years from Advertisers, Agencies and Media. As Head of Digital Analytics Center of Excellence, Robert’s strength is in leading specialists and communicating the path to improved marketing, sales and service performance using data based insight. Today, Robert’s team is successfully instilling a data based decision making culture within a 170 member digital production Tribe. Past achievements include the widespread commercial application of Marketing ROI modeling, All media effect and efficiency improvements, and Digital and Marketing partner process management.


Du kan læse mere om programmet og tilmelde dig på www.adobe.com/dk/events/experience-breakfast.html